The Most Underrated Game of 2021 Is Free on Epic Games Store image
  • Eric Barnett
  • 05 Jan 2024

The Most Underrated Game of 2021 Is Free on Epic Games Store

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy game by Square Enix became a surprise favorite among those who gave it a chance. Released in 2021, it distanced itself from its predecessor, Marvel’s Avengers, by avoiding microtransactions and focusing on delivering a compelling story and engaging gameplay. Despite its quality, it initially suffered from skepticism due to the mixed reception of Marvel’s Avengers and the assumption that it would follow a similar monetization model.

Now, there’s exciting news for gaming enthusiasts: Guardians of the Galaxy is available at no cost on the Epic Games Store, but only for a limited time. Enthusiasts have until January 11, 2024, to claim their copy. This was a serious contender for Game of the Year, garnering praise for those who experienced its charm. The initial worry that it would mirror the live-service model of Square Enix's previous Marvel title unjustly marred its reputation.

As for the gameplay, players step into the jet boots of Star-Lord, leading his band of misfits on an adventure sparked by their hunt for treasure that accidentally pulls them into a galactic-scale conflict. They grapple with a powerful deity and a militant group enforcing order at all costs. The game leverages witty dialogue, vivid environments, and thrilling combat to immerse players into the Guardians' world.

Every decision counts, influencing your comrades' perceptions and altering the narrative’s flow. Drax's steadfastness, Gamora's deadly skills, Rocket's technical prowess, and Groot's unique growth all come into play as you direct their abilities in battle. Players can enjoy the thrill of elemental attacks' strategic cover-and-shoot tactics and utilize timely responses and actions during dynamic quick-time events.

Beyond the frenetic confrontations, Guardians of the Galaxy offers a chance to explore diverse locales, gather various items, and delve into the backstories of your team. Crafting a cohesive squad from these unlikely heroes is a central theme as they gear up to tackle the universe’s most daunting challenge yet.

Those who venture into the game will find it a compelling mix of humor, action, and character-driven storytelling. It’s a title that deserves an earnest playthrough – especially now that it's available without financial commitment. Don’t let past assumptions cloud your judgment; instead, seize the opportunity to enjoy one of the treasured gaming experiences of recent years.

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