- 17 Aug 2022
Apple delayed Telegram Update
Recently, Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, posted about Apple delaying the release update. He believes Apple unreasonably delayed the release for as much as two weeks. A day after this statement, the update did come out. But it lacked one of the most significant features - updated emoji.
This time the developers decided to focus on the emoji because this is what people like most in messengers. The new emoji, or new Telemoji, were supposed to be much brighter than the previous ones. They were supposed to be better, more animated emoji.
However, Apple demanded to remove them from the last version of Telegram, after which the release of the application took place. So far, the company has not commented on why they made such a decision. Pavel Durov believes that Apple has already agreed with other developers who are preparing a similar feature. Therefore, Telegram could not release the new emoji first.
Telegram Premium users will still be able to see some changes in emojis. They will have the ability to create their own emoji. Subscription users will also have ready sets that they can download. Users who don't have a subscription to the premium Telegram will be able to use the new emoticons if receive them from someone with a subscription. They can save received telemoji and use it in other conversations.
In addition to emoji, the developers of Telegram have updated the panel with stickers and gifs. They've added a feature to block voice messages. If you don't like to receive it, you can forbid users to send you such messages. Also, if you want someone in your family or friends to have a subscription to Telegram, you'll be able to give it away.
Pavel Durov says the next update is on its way. Currently, users can respond to messages by emoji, but their number is limited. In the new version, you will be able to create your own emoticons for reactions.
Have you used the new telemoji yet? What do you think of the Telegram update?
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